Initializing the Java Client Module
To use the Java client API to access the Depgraph add-on, you’ll need to initialize it with the DepgraphIndyClientModule
DepgraphIndyClientModule module = new DepgraphIndyClientModule();
Indy indy = new Indy("http://localhost:8080", module).connect();
The Java examples in the feature documentation below will assume you already have the above snippet of code in place, with the variable module
ready to use.
Feature Documentation
Depgraph’s features can be broken down into a few broad categories including administration and maintenance, graph querying and extraction, and graph rendering. Starting in the Indy 0.24.0 release, relationship graph discovery is an option you specify with the operation’s configuration, instead of being a separate REST call.
Whenever you see the "resolve": true
configuration parameter, this will tell the underlying Cartographer instance to execute graph discovery before continuing with the operation. If the graph has already been discovered and this parameter is set to true, Cartographer will look for any GAVs marked as missing or in error that are reachable using the specified filter. If it finds any, it will attempt to resolve them.
The following sections provide detail on each of these feature categories:
Graph Querying and Extraction
- List GAVs (with option for matching a GA pattern) in a RelationshipGraph that are:
- List paths from a [set of] root GAV to some specific [set of] target GA
- List ancestry or build order for a particular [set of] GAV
- List relationship cycles in the graph
- Retrieve the full graph in JSON format
- Retrieve the full list of artifacts in the graph, in JSON format
Graph Rendering
- Create a BOM / POM from a RelationshipGraph
- Create a Maven console-style log of “Downloading…” lines
- for artifacts referenced in the graph
- Create a zip archive containing all artifacts in the graph
- Generate
style output:
Administration and Maintenance
- List or delete workspaces
- Re-scan previously discovered GAVs for metadata
- (scans for extra info like SCM available in POMs)
- Reindex previously discovered relationships
- Store / update metadata attached to GAVs