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Configuration @ Commonjava

APIs for Loading Application Configuration Data

Stretch Out on Our Sectional

The Configuration API provides a means of reading single- and multi-section configuration files and injecting their values into Java configuration objects. This allows your application to include add-ons or plugins flexibly, and configure them as part of the main application configuration. Each part of your application will receive its configuration and not have to know anything about any other part.


Simple is Good, Too

Don't need multiple sections in your configuration? That's okay, too. Simply leave off the @SectionName annotation for your configuration class, and the fields in the configuration file without a declared section will be injected. If you want to make sure the configuration reader doesn't even try to load multiple sections, use something like to read your config file.

.conf Goodness

The Configuration project also contains a module - configuration-dotconf - which knows how to read .ini-style configurations. These are often named something.conf in linux, hence the module name. The configuration reader in this module is org.commonjava.web.config.dotconf.DotConfConfigurationReader, and it works with files like this:




Many management systems like Puppet and Chef work much better when each recipe has an associated file, rather than having multiple recipes that all modify a single file. This is what makes applications like Apache HTTPd simpler to manage; it's use of /etc/httpd/conf.d means each virtual host or module activation can have its own file.

Your application's configuration can be managed in the same way with Simply add a line like Include conf.d/*.conf to your application's configuration, and then use the method ConfigFileUtils.readFileWithIncludes(File) to get an InputStream that contains the main file's content along with all matching files in the conf.d/ directory matching the given pattern. The merged contents will replace the original Include ... line.

Existing Beans, New Beans, Maps and Even Properties Sections

Sometimes it's easier to populate an existing object, other times it's simpler to let the configuration API create the configuration object instances for you. The Configuration API contains section listeners for both cases.

And at other times, you need something more free-form. Sometimes it's just simpler to create a map of options and let your application deal with the flexibility of an arbitrary key-value map for a particular configuration section. Or a Properties instance. Configuration API can handle these cases, too.

The Configuration API includes the following section listener implementations:

Or, you can provide your own implementation of org.commonjava.web.config.section.ConfigurationSectionListener<T>.


Here's an example that reads a multi-section configuration which can be spread into multiple, included configuration files:

public class ConfigFactory
    extends DefaultConfigurationListener
    private Set<TypedConfigurationSectionListener<?>> sections;
    public ConfigFactory(
              Set<TypedConfigurationSectionListener<?>> sections )
        this.sections = sections;

    public void load( final String configPath )
        throws ConfigurationException
        for ( TypedConfigurationSectionListener<?> section : sections )
            with( section.getSectionName(), 
                  section.getConfigurationClass() );

        File configFile = new File( configPath );
        if ( configFile.isDirectory() )
            configFile = new File( configFile, "main.conf" );

        InputStream stream = null;
            stream = ConfigFileUtils.readFileWithIncludes( config );
            new DotConfConfigurationReader( this )
                    .loadConfiguration( stream );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new ConfigurationException( 
                "Cannot open configuration file: %s. Reason: %s", 
                e, configPath, e.getMessage() );
            closeQuietly( stream );