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Partyline @ Commonjava

Joinable File I/O Streams

Why Wait?

Partyline is a library for providing read access to files that are still being written. This is particularly useful for server applications (like Indy) which cache remote files and provide them to users on demand. Without joinable I/O, users must wait for the file to cache fully before it it served to them. With joinable I/O, the user starts receiving data as soon as the server application starts writing it to the cache file. Even users that request the file after the original cache-triggering event, but before the file caches completely, can join the I/O stream and "catch up" to the current download progress.

While this logic may not seem so mysterious to some developers, it’s useful to have a tested library for this functionality to make it reusable with minimal fuss or risk of threading error.

In This Guide

If you’re new here, please read on! Otherwise, here are some links to specific non-introductory information provided in this guide:

Like OutputStream, but Fancier!

The core of Partyline is the JoinableOutputStream, which is a fancy implementation of OutputStream that wraps a RandomAccessFile and a set of synchronized InputStream implementations. As data is written, it fills an internal buffer. When the buffer fills, the flush() method is called, and the stream writes the data buffer to the RandomAccessFile along with any waiting, synchronized InputStream instances that it tracks. When the close() method of the stream is called, it waits for any synchronized InputStreams to finish reading (or close), then closes down the underlying RandomAccessFile. The byte count written to the RandomAccessFile is stored to prevent synchronized streams from reading beyond the data written when joining a stream already in progress.

Joining a stream (obtaining an InputStream from an existing JoinableOutputStream) is simple. Just call the joinStream() method on the existing output stream instance!

Keeping Your DucksStreams in a Row

Obviously, having an OutputStream that is joinable for multiple readers is useful. However, if you’re implementing a server application you don’t really want to have to manage all those streams just so you can join them for reads. But if you don’t, you can’t really use joinable I/O at all!

Relax, that’s where JoinableFileManager comes in. This file manager tracks read and write locks on a File by File basis, whether they’re manual locks, locks created without join support (read before write starts), or joinable locks (write locks that allow concurrent reads). It also supports waiting for a lock to become available.

The following conditions are managed:

First Writer

If a user calls openOutputStream(..) and no other stream is reading or writing to that file, a new JoinableOutputStream is created and passed back to the user. The file is locked for writing at this point, but new readers are allowed.

First Reader

If a user calls openInputStream(..) and no other stream is reading or writing that file, a new FileInputStream is created and passed back to the user. The file is locked for writing and reading at this point, because the stream is not joinable, and its content must be preserved while the user is reading it.

Second Writer

If a user calls openOutputStream(..) and an existing output stream is already open for that file, the new call will wait for the write lock to become available. This method has two forms: one that waits indefinitely, and another that waits for a specified millisecond timeout before returning null. No exception is thrown because a timeout due to a long usage time by the first writer is not an exceptional case.

First Reader with Existing Writer

If a user calls openInputStream(..) and an existing output stream is already open for that file, the new call will retrieve the JoinableOutputStream for the file and call joinStream() to obtain a new InputStream to return to the caller.

Second Reader

Calling openInputStream(..) for a file that has an existing read lock but no write lock (this is not a joinable stream) results in behavior similar to the second call to openOutputStream(..), described above. The method has two variations, one that waits indefinitely for the first read stream to close, and the second that will wait a specified number of milliseconds before giving up and returning null. This is not considered an exceptional case, so null is used rather than throwing an exception.

Manual Lock / Unlock

Users can instead notify the JoinableFileManager that they are working with the file outside of the file manager’s ability to track it. Sometimes this is useful when integrating with other libraries that construct and use File instances from some path calculation, for example.

If this happens, the application can call the lock(..) method to prevent any read or write activity from happening via the file manager. When the external logic completes, the application must call the unlock(..) method to remove the read and write locks and allow normal access again.

Waiting for Lock Availability

The application can synchronize on file accesses that are mediated by the JoinableFileManager through one of the waitFor*Unlock(..) methods (waitForReadUnlock(..) and waitForWriteUnlock(..)). As above, these methods have variations that allow indefinite waiting, or waiting for a specified millisecond timeout. They return a boolean denoting whether the lock is available. If false, the method timed out.

We’ll Call You (Back)

Sometimes it’s critical for an application to perform some sort of clean-up action when a file is closed. For instance, servers that cache content often want to download to a temporary file then rename it when the download completes, to prevent the possibility of serving partial content as if it were a complete file.

Partyline supports this through its CallbackInputStream and CallbackOutputStream wrappers. Each of these has a constructor that accepts the appropriate type of stream (to wrap), and an instance of StreamCallbacks. Partyline also implements an abstract form of StreamCallbacks (AbstractStreamCallbacks), which provides default / null implementations of the methods, so the user only has to implement desired methods.

StreamCallbacks has two methods: flushed() and closed(). Obviously, when used in CallbackInputStream only the closed() method is actually used.